The following officers were elected for two-year terms ending December 31, 2026:
Angie Bond, President
Christina Long, President-Elect
Doug Detling, Secretary
Debra Bullard, Treasurer
The following directors were elected for two-year terms ending December 31, 2026:
Nancy Boden Rokus
Atira Kim
Janet Newport
Please join in welcoming our newest chapter member:
Tammy Shaver, Human Resources Manager, City of Silverton
Please welcome our newest chapter member:
Keri Beraldo, Employee Resource Center Associate Director, City of Eugene
Join us in welcoming our newest Oregon chapter member:
Becky Tibbetts, Human Resources Generalist, City of La Grande
Sandra Galvez, Human Resources Manager, City of Hood River
Please welcome our newest Oregon chapter members:
Kia Carnelus, Human Resources Consultant, Prosper Portland
Lydia McEvoy, Human Resources Director, City of Sherwood
Monica Schultz, Human Resources Manager, Special Districts Association of Oregon
Email reminders will be sent this week to chapter members. Annual memberships expire June 30. Renewals can be made through our website, and early renewals are encouraged. Thank you for your support of the Oregon chapter.
Refunds will be processed upon cancellation only if requested by a cancellation date (generally 3 days prior to the event), or after the event upon non-attendance due to a medical or family emergency provided such requested refund is made within 10 days following the event. The chapter may also refund registration fees on a discretionary, case-by-case basis, upon request of an employer due to an local emergency situation. Credit toward future events cannot be accommodated.
You can change your password when logging in. If you have forgotten or simply wish to reset your password you can send an e-mail to and request that your password be reset. An e-mail sending your new password will be sent to you.
Once you change your password, please take a few minutes to update your profile to make our membership directory more useful to other members.
Public Sector HR Association Oregon is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #45-5602679.